
Posts Tagged ‘happier’

A young boy was having terrible nightmares, but after some Health Kinesiology BioEnergy corrections to help with fears and confidence, he no longer suffered the nightmares and was a much happier and more confident boy.

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The easiest way to explain how Minna Oldfield (UK Practitioner) and Health Kinesiology has changed my life, is to explain how my life was prior to treatment.

I was constantly fatigued, to do anything was an effort. I didn’t sleep well. I would either not be able to fall asleep or would wake up very early in the morning. I had physical and mental fatigue. It was so bad that I really thought that I had a serious illness. I would HAVE to sleep in the day. I was very unhappy. I would cry constantly often not knowing why. I wouldn’t socialise for fear of feeling self-conscious, shy, embarrassed or crying in front of people. I felt worthless and had the attitude that why would people want to talk to me or listen to what I have to say. I would often stumble on my words which exacerbated my feelings towards myself. My life was a mess.

I now have self-worth, more confidence and I’m a happier person. I enjoy meeting and talking to people, family and friends. I’m calmer and more in control when meeting people. I’m no longer stressed by it or find it an ordeal. My circumstances haven’t changed but the way I cope and deal with them has. I’m now finding that I’m enjoying life and I want to live it. I find it easy to sleep at night. I wake up at a reasonable time feeling refreshed and keen to enjoy the day. I now have lots of energy.

I will forever be grateful to Minna and Health Kinesiology, which has given me the life that I had only dreamed of before.

Mrs L Taylor, Cheshire, UK

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